Lower Usuthu Smallholder Irrigation Project – Lusip Feeder Canal close


  • Employer Swade – Swaziland Water and Agricultural Development Enterprise Ltd.
  • Country Swaziland
  • Sector water and irrigation works, aqueducts and irrigation channels
  • Area Lubombo
  • Contract value 22,100,000 euro
  • Finished work in 12 2008
  • Partecipation 100%


The Feeder Canal is a 21 km long concrete lined trapezoidal canal sized to carry a normal maximum flow of 13 m3/s. The Works include a 1200 m long horse-shoe shaped, 3.3 m diameter tunnel, concrete lined for part of its length, and a 0.8 km long siphon consisting of two 2.0 m diameter steel pipes and a 1.1 m diameter steel pipe together with the associated intake, discharge and canal reject structures.
Three irrigation off-takes serving 2,164 ha are located in the final third of the Feeder Canal, which terminates at a discharge structure where the flow is finally discharged into the Lubovane  Reservoir.
The Works include three district road bridges, five farm road bridges, eight pedestrian bridges, community water service points, two Parshall flumes and eighty cross drainage structures.


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