Cmc, since 1901
Cmc was founded in Ravenna in 1901 by a group of 35 masons that established the “Società anonima cooperativa fra gli operai, muratori e manovali del Comune di Ravenna” (Anonymous Co-operative among workers, masons and hodmen of Ravenna Municipality). In 1909 the Company merged with the “Cementisti” (Cement Workers Company): since then “Muratori” (Masons) and “Cementisti” (Cement Workers) have been marking Cmc logotype.
During the post-war period the Co-operative took part in the reconstruction process and in the considerable growth of Italy’s infrastructure and industrial structure.
In those years, Cmc was engaged in the construction of petrochemical plants in Ravenna and Sicily, silos for grain, works on the port of Ravenna, and various electrical power plants including the largest in Italy which is located at the river Po delta and has a generating capacity of 2580 MW.
In the early sixties, thanks to the strong technological development, the Co-operative intensified its specialisation, the professional qualification of its members and technicians, adopting new construction technologies.
Since 1965, after important experience in the road sector, Cmc has successfully participated in the construction of the first domestic highways.
In the seventies in fact, the highway sector represented for Cmc the chance to obtain important recognition in Italy as construction company with two major projects: the viaduct Gorsexio at the beginning of the “Trafori” highway that links Voltri to Alessandria and the viaduct Platano in the highway section linking the city of Potenza to the highway “Autostrada del Sole”.
Notwithstanding recurrent crisis in the construction sector, Cmc has always recorded a gradual but steady growth also by extending the geographical areas of its presence.
In 1975 Cmc began permanently operating overseas with the award of a project in Iran.
In the eighties Cmc operated particularly in Africa constructing silos and flour mills (Algeria), roads (Somalia, Tanzania, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso) and dams (Mozambique, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Algeria). In the late eighties Cmc enlarged its overseas activity with new and more sophisticated specialisation in the underground and hydraulic engineering sectors. Cmc expanded its operations in the Far East as well.
Furthermore Cmc records a 40 year presence in Mozambique where, thanks to a consolidated structure, takes actively part in the infrastructure and industrial development.
In recent years, Cmc has strengthened its ability to complete increasingly complex technological projects in the transportation, hydroelectric, and underground works sectors.
The economic downturn combined with the crisis in the construction industry has forced Cmc in 2018 in a period of difficulty that is trying to leave behind.