Catania Underground Nesima – Misterbianco stretch, Lot 1


  • Employer Direzione Generale Trasporto Pubblico Locale – Gestione Governativa Ferrovia Circumetnea
  • Country Italy
  • Sector transport, railways and subways
  • Area Sicilia, Provincia di Catania, Catania
  • Contract value 81,200,00 euro (2017 Annual report)
  • Locality Catania
  • Status ongoing
  • Latitude 37.507877
  • Longitude 15.08303


This project entails the extension of the Ferrovia Circumetnea underground railway, which is partly operating and partly under construction, in Catania’s urban area.
More specifically, the project includes the construction of a stretch of railway line running through tunnels and having the features of an underground.
The stretch, which is 3,9 km long, is meant to connect the suburban areas in the north-western part of Catania to the Misterbianco town center and commercial district. In particular, Lot 1 involves the construction of:
· A tunnel having an overall length of m 1,718.08 .

· Two stations, called “Fontana” and “Monte Po”, including everything required for their correct operation.
· 6 ventilation openings.
· Electrical transformer yard at the Monte Po Station.
· Construction of a parking area on the road level, at the main exit of the Monte Po station.
· All line and station system in the stretch falling within the project, and everything required to ensure that this line is fully operating.
Underground excavation works will be carried out using a Tbm.


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